The Centre
Marbella Recovery is an outpatient treatment centre and counselling service that follows the Minnesota Model, the therapeutic model behind the 12-Step Programme. We provide individual and group counselling/psychotherapy to support recovery from addiction and trauma, complemented with techniques such as coaching, mindfulness and nutritional advice.
How do we apply the Minnesota Model in our programme? Marbella Recovery provides an outpatient therapeutic community setting where the addict engages in a group, interacting with peers and professional therapists who have gone through a similar experience of recovery from addiction and trauma. It is a so-called ‘teaching-learning community’, where each member is a student and a teacher at the same time whilst giving and receiving authentic and honest feedback.
Coaching is a way of helping people to see clearly where they are now and where they would like to be in the future, and of supporting them in creating a plan to get there. The best way to achieve this is to encourage people to feel and think more, so that they gain better awareness of their situation. Increased awareness leads people to choose different and better actions to achieve their goals and life plans.
Mindfulness is a technique used to help people focus on the present moment: the here and now. As the Dalai Lama said, “There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow”.
Nutritional advice and support provides clients with a better understanding of how what we eat affects our mental health. Eating a balanced and healthy diet can lead to a balanced state of mind.